The Medence designlab is the most exciting side of the creative community of the Medence Group, founded in 2000, and is a department dedicated to fresh design solutions, interactive exhibitions, object design and development.

With more than 20 years of experience behind us, we are a trusted partner for unique, sustainable creative solutions, be it a one-off decoration or a large-scale interactive exhibition. With a cradle-to-cradle approach, it's important to us to see projects through from idea conception, through construction and operation, to reuse.


Creative Sound Space is another step on the exciting journey of discovering the world of music. 

Physical modelling of sound waves on a metal plate

Conductable virtuoso robotic orchestra 

An interactive exhibition designed and developed for the 25th anniversary of the Doctoral School of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design.


Full implementation of Hungarian Design Award exhibitions 

Designforum Wien, Museumsquartier, 2019

Millenáris B, Budapest

Hungarian Design Award Exhibition, Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, 2016


design and production

We specialise in the design and implementation of indoor or outdoor exhibitions, unique and spectacular promotional displays and interactive installations. We believe in the power of design to shape the environment and society, and in the high practice of creative craftsmanship.

We work according to the design4all principle, developing a tailor-made strategy for each project. Our professional and multidisciplinary team will identify the goals and needs of your project and work to bring them together in the most effective way.


Tailored to your individual needs

Countrywide coverage

design, production, rental, installation

customized branding, display, promotion

We are at home outdoors! Need a travelling exhibition? Tell us the locations and dates and we'll make the logistics plan.

Design and manufacture of unique, exclusive promotional displays, pavilions, tents, awnings, outdoor installations, logistics of stands in one hand. Single or multiple set-ups, mainly with reusable materials. The Medence designlab is the designer and constructor of many of the legendary sites of the Sziget Festival, among others.

The legendary arts venue of the Sziget Festival

Eco-friendly materials, durable design

Huge dimensions, eye-catching solutions

Meduza Light Zone, Sziget Festival 2006-10.


rental devices

We can also help you implement your ideas cost-effectively. Indoor and outdoor exhibition and promotional surfaces, event furniture, and outdoor PROMOARTX photo exhibition screens, even with lighting, are available for short or long-term rental from our warehouse. With PROMOARTX exhibition screen system elements, you can quickly create an impressive display.

Contact us and let our professional design and construction team do the work for you. Our experienced construction team will deliver, assemble and dismantle your desired installation on site, whether at home or abroad.



sound-producing instruments, Bélaműhely, 2005

Misical fountain, Kőszeg, Hungary 2020

Decorative light installation, Be light Ltd. office, 2008

Tünet company Peel 2018

Our unique design installations, interactive elements, sound and lighting solutions, sets, public art, kinetic mobiles, functional or promotional displays can be exciting and creative solutions for events, exhibitions, can help to make the promotion successful and add to the experience of the event.

Let's start brainstorming and designing based on your needs. Our team is experienced in the design and implementation of artistic installations, we will help you from the initial concept to the installation.

custom-made, illuminated sculptures - landscape architecture and artistic elements closely interwoven

Outdoor ambient installation

Interactive musical hamster wheel

Stretched textile structure outdoor object

meet our team


András Gross 

Executive Director, designer

I am the co-founder of Medence designlab. As a designer with an architectural approach, I open clear windows into existing situations, create new connections, synthesize, and integrate diverse tasks into workable solutions. 

The diversity of my work as a Managing Director is an exciting challenge and a daily inspiration for me. I am proud of the products we have created, which is one of the most important things to me.


Tóbiás Terebessy

Production Manager, designer 

The operation of systems, the associated forms, and nodes are the topics where I find what interests me most.

It sounds like you've had a fulfilling journey with Medence Csoport and designlab! Here's that translated into English: I found most of this within Medence Csoport, and later in designlab. I consider the past few decades a series of fortunate coincidences. Together with my friends, I've been able to seek answers and examine the world from many perspectives.


Réka Kozalek


A big girl from a small town with a twisted life. Saleswoman, photographer, marketing analyst, spreadsheet artist, office manager. Multitasking mum, avid recycler, renovator, DIYer.

All this comes together in this Basin all the richer in creativity. Itt fontos szerepet kap lényem racionális, rendszerező része, a napi munkám során, és a fantázia és a kommunikáció sem hiányzik az életemből.

Let's meet to get in the picture! If you're thinking about a new project or a renewal of an existing one, contact us, share your vision and we'll give you solutions.


+36 70 368 5174

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