interactive exhibition about the heart 2005-2008
The British Council presented its own installation within the frame of the vast scientific and cultural project named House of the Future. The installation combines science and art using new approaches to connect the human heart and mind, or rather emotions and intelligence. The exhibition consists of three parts. The first tackles different cultural and philosophical views about the heart and circulation. In the second part we encounter two closely connected topics: visitors learn about heart operations and then they are provided with information about heart “maintenance” and healthy lifestyles. The third part presents the heart from an aesthetic point of view. The Valentine heart, well known throughout the world, is presented here together with its traditions and practices. The visitor can also find an interactive love altar which has a similar appearance to a classic altar, but also contains typical fairground attractions.
Venues: Budapest, Eger, Pécs, Győr, Belgrade (SRB)
Original exhibition: ~500m2
Travelling exhibition: ~250–300m2
Client: British Council, Hungary sponsor: Millenáris Nonprofit Ltd.
Idea, scientific participant: László Király, Dr
Scientific patron: Prof. Robert H. Anderson
Project leader: András Gross
Design: Tóbiás Terebessy, Antal Bodóczky, Gergő Magyar, Bence Buczkó
Graphics, Animation, CD programming: József Tasnádi