We created a site-specific adaptation of the traditional rotating Christmas pyramids of Saxony, Germany, to serve as a festive centerpiece for the Advent programs at Bakáts Square. Advent scenes unfold across the three levels of this seven-meter-tall installation. 18 figures sculpted by Boldizsár Kő reflect the unique character of Ferencváros. The top tier features 4 angels, the middle tier depicts the holy family (Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus) along with the three kings, and the lower tier represents officials, soldiers, and the people, all captured in Kő's distinctive style. A legfelső szinten 4 angyal, középen a szent család Mária, József és a kisjézus, valamint a három királyok, az alsó szinten az elöljárók, katonák és a nép képviselteti magát Kő Boldizsár figuráin.
"The custom of erecting Christmas trees only began to spread in Hungary in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Its predecessor was the Christmas pyramid. In its simplest form, it was a board fixed to a large flowerpot or tree stump, with two or three thin pieces of wood nailed across it, shortening upwards. Candles were lit at the end of the cross-nailed boards. The tradition of erecting Christmas pyramids came to us from Germany but did not become a general custom. In the middle of the 18th century, in some parts of Germany, people began to decorate the simple, unadorned frame of the Christmas pyramid with Christmas branches. (...)" András Kovács: Our Holidays in the Mirror of the Liturgical Year Kovács András: Ünnepeink az egyházi év tükrében
Design & Execution: Medence Csoport
Sculptures: Boldizsár Kő Team Members: Gergő Jancsó, Kálmán Nyilas, Miklós Ferenczi, István Kőrösi, Bence Buczkó, Tibor Seres, Roland Szurovecz Photos: András Gross