We designed and built 12 stylish outdoor book exchange installations for our client, made from plywood and aluminium. With Bookline Lapozó, you can keep your bookshelf in motion. You can take the books found here, and once you've read them, bring them back. They can be found in Pécs, Szombathely, Debrecen, Győr, Miskolc, Gárdony, Budapest on Kopaszi-gát, Margaret Island, and Trefort Garden, and soon in Szeged.
Sustainability is also a key priority for Bookline. This commitment also guided the idea of Lapozó, through which the bookseller seeks to promote the recycling of books and, last but not least, the sharing of the reading experience. But we would also like to draw attention to the idea that valuables that are no longer useful to us, or even seem unnecessary, may still be valuable to others.
As exchange points, Lapozó fulfil several functions. Here we can drop off our books that have already been read and are not currently in use. Others can read these works on the spot, or they can borrow them. But of course, there is also a way for readers to keep these books; in this case, Bookline only asks that they also contribute to the expansion of the collection point by submitting a book.
Further information: https://bookline.hu/lapozo
Client: Libri-Bookline Zrt.
- Marketing Director: Gabriella Sándor
- Junior Brand Manager: Sára Stossek
- Copywriter: Tamás Simonyi
- Graphics: Renáta Przibislawszky
Design, implementation: Medence designlab, Tóbiás Terebessy, András Gross
Implementation: Tamás Verebélyi, László Szőke