Dance theatre set and light installation 2005-2006
Most of the events that are taken out of our perceptual world can be mapped and thus reproduced. We are left with art to interpret our emotions and passions.
"The protagonist of the performance is the dancer, who is constantly present on stage in both projected and real form. He also engages in a movement dialogue with the projected image. The singer and the actor are different manifestations of the protagonist. The mix of expressions is sometimes dissonant, sometimes harmonious. The forms of communication complement each other. They present what we want to express from different perspectives." Tóbiás Terebessy
MU theatre, Budapest, Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest
Trafó House of Contemporary Art, in the framework of the Festival Temps D'Image
Andrea Nagy /choreography, concept, dance artist, performer/
Tóbiás Terebessy /concept, video visuals, set design/
Evelin Tóth /singer/
István Rimóczi /actor/
József Tasnádi /animation, media artist/
Viktória Kaposi /dramaturg/
László Upor /dramaturg/
Guidó Szarka Fedor /calligraphy, dance signs, graphics/
Emese Maróti /composer/
Dóra Fekete /costume designer/
Krisztián Peer /texts/