

Beneficiary name: Medence Csoport Kft.

Project title: Design Technology Development at MEDENCE CSOPORT Kft.

Contracted aid amount: HUF 15 836 811

Rate of aid: 70 %

Project content: By upgrading the technological equipment (Exatex EX-335BH Sewing machine, patenting machine, Jack field-sewer, OPTIMUM drill-miller, compressor) we increased productivity and contract sewing capacity. We have also strengthened our design capacity through information technology upgrades, desktop, 3d computers, notebooks and creative software. We have installed soundproof partitions in our rented property. We strengthened our market access by participating in Austrian and Czech design fairs and photographing products.

Project completion date: 30.06.2022

Project ID number: VEKOP-1.2.7-20-2021-00098