Visual dance theatre - space installation for adults 2005-2009
Fox spirites are sensual demons in Chinese myths, often bringing a curse on twisted men. The set is also a walk-around installation exhibition space. We have chosen materials and shapes for the construction that rhyme with the mysterious creatures of the fox fairies, who know little of transience.
The production won the 2005 Capital City Theatre Award for the best alternative előadásért.

"(...) one of Arthur's most exciting plays, The Fox Fairies, was born. Light, enigmatic, magical. (Ágnes Veronika Tóth, ÉS, 18 March 2005)
"A myth is created with spatial poetic images, which deals with the same issues as all the other religious sagas: the relationship between man and woman, birth, death, mischievous, haunting soul demons and the creative man who seeks rationality and disrupts the magical unity of the world. (...) The Fox Fairies is simply brilliant" (Csaba Kutszegi, Magyar Hírlap 13 March 2005)
"The Pool Group is like taking an entire old Budapest apartment building apart. The stage, which can be bypassed in the circular corridor, and the entire imposing, stunning structure that fills the entire space, are built from used wooden elements, beams, blinds and door panels. Strange creatures, the protagonists themselves, line up on the long poles on either side of the playing space, like pictures in a magical exhibition.
National Dance Theatre, Artus Dance Theatre
10 tonnes of demolished and de-painted timber over a surface area of 300 m2
Client: Artus - Gábor Goda's company and the production of the Medence Csoport
Space: Medence Csoport, Antal Bodóczky
Creator-performers: Tamás Bakó, Katalin Dombi, Bea Gold, Péter Lipka, Gábor Kocsis, Andrea Nagy, Nina Umniakov
Fox-helpers: György Tr. Szabó, István Oldal
Costume: Kriszta Lőrincz
Staff: Gábor Kocsis, István Oldal
Production assistant: Anikó Rácz
Directed by Gábor Goda