
film theatre production 2007

A theatre performance based on the short story "The Two Iraqi Students" by Milorad Pavic.

Sín Cultural Centre, Budapest

Commissioned by Trafó House of Contemporary Art, in the framework of the Temps D'Images Festival

Collaborators: the Gergő Magyar - concept, Tóbiás Terebessy - ornament,
József Tasnádi - sight, fake blood, 
Zoltán Nagy - choreographer,
Imre Németh Virgács - sound designer,

Implementation staff:

András Till - technician, Balázs Nyíri - video technology, István Pápai - sound engineer, Gergely Tasnádi - 3D, Bori Rutkai - editor, András Gross, Zsolt Bredár - video

Partners: MB Travel