Cinetrip Labyrinth

The CINETRIP Labiritmus The CINETRIP Labyrinth installation is a 26-meter octagonal arena, enclosed by a soundproof wall made of pressed reed panels. It features built-in bars, a technical deck, a stage accessible through the wall structure, and a sprinkler system. It is primarily designed to host electronic music events.


Sziget Festival, Budapest

Internal area: 345 sq m
Wall height: 5 m

Structure: Steel rectangular tube frame, 5 cm thick flame-retardant, reinforced soundproof reed panels, Bowden cable tensioning system, PTP canvas covering.

Client: Sziget Ltd.

Designers: Tóbiás Terebessy, András Gross, Gergő Magyar

Team: Antal Bodóczky, Bence Buckó, László L. Laki, and many others...